Resource Management
Niveaustufe: 4. Studienplansemester (= 4. Fachsemester)
Credits: 5
Präsenzzeit: 4 Lerneinheiten à 45 Min. + 90 Minuten Klausur
Häufigkeit des Angebotes: jährlich (bei entsprechender Nachfrage) zum Sommersemester
Dieses Modul findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Module Objectives
This module covers general aspects of resource management but also offers the opportunity to specialize in buildings or industry. It aims to explore management of water, material, waste and other resources. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals and the performance of life-cycle assessments
On completion of this module, learners will be able to:
- Understand principal challenges and approaches related with resource management at different scales
- Classify economies according to the use of resources, materials and products
- Know and apply methods to increase resource efficiency of processes and products
- Understand and apply fundamental principles of life cycle assessment of products and processes
- Carry out mass- and energy balances
- Overview about terms and definitions related with resources and their economic, social and environmental relevance
- Resource management at different scales
- Different types of resources, particularly water, waste and materials
- Fundamentals and methods of life-cycle assessment
- Resource efficiency of processes and products, examples from different branches of industry, practical tools and methods for optimizing resource management
- Resources in buildings and construction
Belegung einzelner Weiterbildungsmodule
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dieses Modul einzeln als Weiterbildung zu belegen. Die Nutzungsgebühr beträgt 900,- Euro. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an die entsprechende Kontaktperson.
Beratung und Anmeldung
Tina Büttner
030 4504-6009